
1 John 5:15

“And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.”

  • Pray that when people see me, they actually see Jesus. I don’t want people to see me, but rather see how much Jesus loves them

  • Pray for the women that come to my home every month for game night. Some that come are walking really rough lives and this night is a night for them to be welcomed and loved on.

  • Pray for the relationships that are being built through volleyball. Most of the adults I work and play with do not know Jesus (yet).


  • We have launched Super Sports Saturdays. These are once a month where I get to focus on a specific sport: volleyball, basketball and football. Please pray for the following:

    • safety for kids while playing

    • provision of volunteers each month

    • the hearts of kids to hear the Gospel, not just playin sports


Pray with me that the Lord would heal me from Lupus so I don’t need this medicine anymore

- Pray that until I am healed, I am able to find a doctor who is able to take me on as a patient, maintaining my prescription, etc.

- Please pray for my overall health. I’m doing all I can to maintain health and be best prepared, physically, for the mission God has called me to!

Support Raising

  • My budget has doubled this year, and so I am trusting God to provide the funds for living and ministry!

  • Pray for people to answer the call or tug of the Lord to join my monthly, financial support team.

  • Pray for those who have already committed to the team. The Word says that the giver will be blessed. I’m praying abundant blessings on all who join my team.

  • Pray for me as I present the opportunity for partnership. Asking people to support can be hard sometimes!