Mission and Vision



Developing Healthy People Inside and out through: P.I.E.


Partner with the local church - COMPLIMENT the church’s good-given authority with a ministry that is appealing to all.


Create INCLUSIVE ministries that make people feel loved and welcomed: regardless of age, gender or socio-economical status.


Create SUSTAINABLE, TRANSFERABLE and REPLICABLE models which build up local leadership.

Belize is a small yet culturally diverse nation on the Eastern coast of Central America, bordering Mexico and Guatemala. Renowned for Mayan ruins, beautiful rainforests, and the Caribbean Sea coastlines, Belize is also known for it’s high violent crime rate, largely related to drug trafficking, a frail education system, inequality and high poverty rate. The local church, when empowered and mobilized into surrounding neighborhoods, can play a huge role in reversing the cycle.


Meet the Pastors

In spite of the challenges Belize has overcome and currently facing, there are strong leaders who have been instrumental in the community and the story God is telling. Leaders who have weathered storms, overcome hurdles, and come out stronger than ever because of their unwavering faith and vision. Pastors Michael & Patricia Evans have been such pillars in the community of Dangriga.


Pastors Michael and Patricia Evans have been serving the Lord in the Southern town of Dangriga, Belize since 1980. In 1984, they also began a school that now serves 180-200 children, from elementary through 8th grade. They have a desire to provide free after-school tutoring services for underprivileged children as an avenue to spread the Word of God. Michael and Patricia hope for a revival in Dangriga and the country as people discover a deep hunger and thirst for God.

They have been married for 45 years and have 5 children with 14 grandchildren. In their free time, Michael enjoys playing basketball and Patricia has begun vegetable gardening.